Wednesday, May 20, 2009

We did it!

Thank you to all for your cooperation in our campaign!

We would like to share with you that we've won on of the first three places in the Climate Teach-In Day in Hamburg, Germany!
With your incredibly strong support we will continue this campaign and others are on the way.

Once again, THANK you to all our photographers and photographed...WE DID IT TOGETHER!


  1. Bueno, el comentario en el blog es:
    Hay muchos pueblos q' no tienen energía electrica ni gas butano, y queman demasiado carbón y leña
    además son muy pobres, la pregunta
    ¿Cual es su alternativa para ayudar a no quemar tanto combustible?

  2. The above comment says:
    There are many towns that have no electricity or butane (LP) gas and they burn too much coal and wood, besides they are too poor.
    The question: what is your alternative for them so they don't burn so much fuel?

  3. So do we.....

  4. Look forward to see what's next. I just sold my car to get a nice bike. I love riding my bike everywhere.

    Free Diet
