Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Take 3

Mazondo Family. Queretaro, Mexico. Salesman. "Well, I can walk from my house to my business".

Ricardo Moreno. Queretaro, Mexico. High school student. "I like using other transport such as my bike and rollerblades or just walking".

San Martin Texmelucan, Mexico. Construction workers. "Well, we use our bycicles to come to work, so already that's something no?"

Aidee Marga. Puebla, Mexico. 25. Business Engineer. "Today I will wash my clothes by hand instead of using the washing machine. This way I exercise too and my clothes are much cleaner".

Jessica Velazquez. Mexico City, Mexico. Environmental Systems Engineer. "I can travel by metro and turn the heating off"

Puebla, Mexico. Student. "What can I do today? Well, I'm trying to slim down a little so I've walked 15 blocks! I reduced my share of contamination for today!"

Rita Pille. Mexico City, Mexico. Biologist. "I can use more public transport and turn the heat off".

San Martin Texmelucan, Mexico. Housewife. "To reduce greenhouse gas emissions? Maybe today I can start cleaning up the house if it gets too cold instead of using a heater?"

Iliana Castellanos. Mexico City, Mexico. Informatics engineer. "Today I can walk or take the metro so I don't use so much gasoline".

Puebla, Mexico. Students. "I can choose to take public transport instead of my own car. We are doing it right now!".

Edith Morales. Mexico City, Mexico. Biologist. "A good action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is to keep the lights and the A/C off when uneeded".

Huejotzingo, Mexico. Primary students. "The school is close so we use the bicycle instead of the bus to do some exercise".

Carina Villagomez. Mexico City, Mexico. Secretary. "I use the car less, I walk more and I use an electric (heating device) for my shower".

Puebla, Mexico. Streetvendor. " I walk if its nearby".

Emagali Sanchez Portillo. Mexico City. 28. Environmental consultant. "I keep the lights and the A/C off when they are not in use".

San Martin Texmelucan, Mexico. Ranchers. "I burn calories by attending to my cows personally everyday"

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