Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Take 2

Antonio Gómez, 24 years old, Environmental Science student, Catalonia (Spain),
"Use the public transport instead of the car."

Felipe Caballero, 24 years old, Environmental Science student, Catalonia (Spain),
"Use the skate."

Carla Coloma, 24 years old, Environmetal Science Student, Catalonia (Spain),
"Going to swim everyday in order to be fitted for having enough energy to go by walk everywhere."

Xavier Andoni, 21 years old, Physics student, Catalonia (Spain),
  "Only to use the car if I can fill it up with people, if not, going by walk.!"

Joseph Mills, 25 years old, Joint European Masters in Environmental Studies, Student, Ghana
"Turninf off lights when not in use"

      Claudia Fischer, 37 years old, Teacher, Germany
"Letting the car parked."

Melissa Mary Mathews, 24 years old, Joint European Master in Environmental Studies,Student, Malaysia
¨Take the stairs instead of the elevators.¨

Maria, 26 yrs old, Masters in Public Policy – Welfare Economics, Student, Greece
Julie, (undisclosed age), Masters in Business Administration, Student, France
“Eat natural.”

豊田 昂希 Toyoda Koki, 21 yrs old, Mother Language Education Student, 日本Japan
「エアコンをあんまり使わない。」 “Use the air conditioning unit less frequently.”

平山 拓也 Hirayama Takuya, 21 yrs old Law Student, 日本Japan
「買い物をしたら袋をもらわない。」 “When I go shopping, I don’t use plastic bags.”

木の下 祐子 Kinoshita Yuuko, 25 yrs old Education Masters student 愛知県、日本 Aichi Prefecture, Japan
「エコバッグを持ち歩く。」 “I bring my eco-bag along with me”

川口 桂代 Kawaguchi Kayo and 香取 悠 Katori Haruka, Both 21 yrs old, Economics and Modern Japanese Literature Students, 日本Japan
食材を買いすぎない、食事を作り過ぎない。“Don’t buy too much food and don’t eat too much”
「My はし 持参!」“I bring my own chopsticks rather than use the disposable wooden ones!”

宗元Zong Yuan, 26 yrs old, Sports Science Masters student, 台湾Taiwan
“I cycle!”

Alejandro Benavides Martinez, 24 yrs old, Veracruz, Mexicod, Engineer in an Oil Field Services company

"mmm you want me to get fired or what?.... well, creating conscience in the people, because there are other types of energy, but the easier one to get is fuel, so if the people really knows the damage of using this kind of energy, would try to use a different one."

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